Cali Babe..


Helloo my little pumpkins!!

Well, I am officially back in Los Angeles and couldn't be more excited! Even more excited when I was surprised with such a beautiful apartment to live in. Although it was very hard to leave my whole family in Las Vegas, it was time to be there for someone who truly needed me and be back in my roots of California again. I was able to transfer my job and will be working in Manhattan Beach and I am soo excited!

As for Youtube, I am even more excited for all the opportunities that are flying my way. I will be uploading a lot more now that this move is finally over with.  I even have some amazing news that I will be sharing with you guys very soon so make you guys stay tuned and watch my newest videos. As for blogging, you guys will be brought through my entire journey of being back in california, my career and youtube life.

Before I go,  I have to let you know how much YOU mean to me. Yes, YOU!! YOU are the reason I am at where I am at today. You are the reason I want to succeed and most of all YOU are the one who keeps me going. You may think to the world you are one person, but to me you are the WORLD. I love you guys!

Yours truly, 

Quote of the day: "Never let the things you WANT, make you forget the things you HAVE" 

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